When done well, digitalization increases our efficiency, giving us more time to focus on our highest-value activities, and creating many new opportunities for innovation.
Digitalised online consumer banking doesn't just offer the convenience of 24-hour access; it also enables a host of innovative time-saving services like automatic bill payment.
Commodities and freight companies across the industry still spend a considerable amount of time manually performing contracting-related activities the same way they have for the past 20 years without the many benefits of recent innovations.
For example, many traders must still manually walk documents through an approval process by emailing documents from person to person. If an approver is unavailable or overlooks an important email, favourable trading opportunities may be lost. Additionally, it is challenging to track the status of many contracts when email threads multiply as more people are involved, such as when a trading manager decides that a legal review of a proposed change is required. Worse, companies systematically fail to make the most of their hard-won negotiations by missing important deadlines to execute valuable options.
"Contract automation gives all participants more time to focus on higher-value activities."
Digital workflows and contract automation provides many benefits:
In combination, these benefits create a more understandable, predictable, reliable, and smoothly-running contracting process, saving time, increasing compliance, and reducing risk.
A few tips to help you on your journey to automation
At Chinsay, we are excited to help commodities and trading organisations realise all the efficiency and innovation that fully automated digital workflow solutions enable. Our Intelligent Contract Platform makes this easy.
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